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On this page you will find useful information about the library, its services and some 'living in the Netherlands' video's. We are happy to inform you in person in one of our libraries, by phone or mail


With your library card, you can borrow books, e-books, dvd's and more.

You can also use our computers with Internet connection for free for half an hour a day having the Basis membership. With the Onbezorgd membership you can use the internet as long as you wish.  

With your card you receive a discount on participation in lectures, workshops and other events.

Flyer 'Join the Library' membership & prices

Borrow books

With the Basis membership you can borrow ten items for three weeks.

You can borrow twenty items with a loaning period of six weeks with the Onbezord membership. If you are to late, you won't have to pay extra.

Reservation costs are free from the collection of Amstelland Libraries. For items out of other collections, there will be some reservation costs.

Learn Dutch

Taalcafé: learn to speak Dutch by putting it into practice!

Do you find it a little difficult to have a conversation in Dutch, and would you like to practice together with others? In the Taalcafé you can do just that.

Join a small group of people together with a volunteer, and practice talking Dutch. Talk about anything you like. And it’s in a relaxed environment, with none of the pressures of a learning programme.

About the Taalcafé

On behalf of the municipality of Amstelveen

Following videos are a part of a free online crash introduction to living in the Netherlands. Learn more about building your life in the Netherlands by watching the video's below.

Living in the Netherlands

See you in the library!

Opening hours & routing

Feel free to contact us

Contact by phone or email